Sunday, April 14, 2013

Balsamic Vinegar Chicken Recipe, Duchess of Cambridge Ring, a cute outfit and some gardening

Hello Blogging World!

Several things happened this weekend; I bought a new fabulous ring, I planted some "tabletop" roses and I am trying out a new recipe tonight for dinner.

First things first, the ring! When I saw it I instantly loved it and with the price had to have it! Kohl's was having a super sale and I just couldn't resist and after the BF gave his blessing- there was no stopping this puppy from coming home with me, here she is:

Ignore my blue nails lol. I didn't know I'd be buying this ring when I got them done. Isn't she fabulous? Yes, it's a she because it reminds me of the Duchess' ring. You know, Kate Middleton! I have a lady crush on her. She's stunning. So I'm thrilled to have something so beautiful and similar. and mostly to pay less then $80 for it! Woot woot! This girl loves a sale! and then to have a coupon and Kohl's cash on top of it just puts the icing on the cake for me...

 Now for the gardening, the prized ring had to come off for this, lol.  I bought these: tabletop roses and thought that they would look nice in the planters that I have on the BF's balcony. There's not too much room to put big plants plus I'm cheap and I get bored easily. I like to switch around the things that I have in there. Now the planter won't be complete until the Vinca vines grow back in. And the sprouty little plant is some kind of Dianthus, I think they were pink but I can't really remember.
So what do you think?

 You can't tell from the picture but these next ones are purple:

I'll keep you posted on the ease of these roses and the longevity.  I'm a semi lazy gardener since I split up my time between my two homes. So needless to say, if they are too much work they won't last long... it's terrible but true.

 The new dish that I was trying out was a pin that I've had on my board for months and today was the day that it was selected. Balsamic Vinegar Chicken with fresh tomatoes. In no way, shape or form was I trying to claim ownership over this recipe but the pin is a dead end. 
You can also follow me on Pinterest ;)

So here it is:
Balsamic Vinegar Chicken

4 skinless, boneless chicken breasts
4 – 5 garlic cloves
 1 cup fresh basil
 1 tablespoon olive oil
 1 tsp. balsamic vinegar
 1/4 cup water
 1 cup sliced mushrooms
 1 package of cherry or grape tomatoes
 1/2 red onion
 Combine all ingredients in an oven safe dish and place in a preheated oven (350 degrees) until chicken is cooked through. 

I can't give you the time in the oven because I shrunk down the recipe and butterflied the chicken breast because I'm impatient. This is before it went in the oven: 

And as a side I got some zucchini and yellow squash. This is before it went in the oven, I am putting them both in the oven at the same temperature. The veggies should take a little linger so I'll put that in first.

This is what it looked like after the oven:

And last but not least, the outfit. This was my outfit on Saturday and I must say I've definitively got my money out of these red jeans. I love them and they were also a Kohl's buy, thanks Lauren Conrad for generally being a douche but making great clothes. I picked this pose as the best way to show my jewelry and boots while at home by myself and setting the camera and running before it went off. I know I'll get made fun of for it later but I accept. lol! I love Spring- Ahh warm weather!

That is all!

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